Pixhawk 2.1 Standard Set The Cube + Orange (Receptor ADS-B)
En stock495,00€
Antena Auto Antenna Tracker + Skylark AAT Convert Module for Other Brand OSD
En stock459,00€
Insight 5G 1080P 100mW Full HD Digital Video Transmission System
En stock379,00€
DRONEE PILOT + Airspeed Sensor + GPS antenna + RPI Computer Module 3 + POWER MODULE
En stock362,81€ 339,00€
HERE 3+ Módulo CAN GNSS GPS con iStand
En stock220,00€
Intel Edison Carrier Board including PSM without the cube and Edison Chip
En stock126,99€
3DR Micro OSD (Mavlink Protocol, compatible with Pixhawk)
En stock39,00€
Cama APM2.5 2.6 KK MWC Glass Fiber Shock Absorber Anti-vibration Set
En stock9,90€